2025-03-25 马希屿 精彩小资讯
2023年1月24日年,仅15岁的刘学州在海南三亚海边自杀刘学州自。称,自。出,生,以。来,就被亲生父母抛弃后被养父母收养在养父母过 🦆 世后他开始四处漂泊 🐡 寻亲无果后选择自杀刘学州的悲剧引起广泛关注让人 🐞 们对未成年人的心理健康、家。庭教育和社会福利等问题进行了深入的思考
本篇文章将运用八 🌳 字命理学对刘学州的八字进行分析,以,期,从命理的角度探究其悲剧产生的原因并从中汲取教训避免类似悲 🌷 剧再次发生。
生辰八字:庚申、壬、寅、壬 🌸 戌戊寅
大运 🦢 :癸卯、甲、辰、乙、巳、丙午丁未戊申
庚申日主,生,于,寅,月水木旺盛庚金势单 🦍 力薄属于偏弱的八字庚金。代表刚 🐟 强、坚、毅,果,敢,但。由于身弱容易缺乏自信遇事容易退缩
壬水正官为用神,代表事业、地位和名声壬水。得,寅,木。生扶力量较强预示着刘学州具有不错的学习能力 🦆 和事业潜力
戊戌偏印为忌神,代表母亲和教育戊。土,克,制。庚,金表。示刘学州与母亲缘 🐒 分薄弱早年缺乏母爱戌土也会阻碍壬水正官的发挥使其事业受阻
刘学州出 🐅 生于壬寅年寅,木,为,偏,印为其八字中的忌神预示着早年生活坎坷多波折。
1-10岁走癸卯大运卯,木与原局寅木相合, усиливает偏,印 🐎 的力量对其学业和家庭环境不利。
11-20岁走甲辰 🐝 大运辰,土,为,湿土 🦢 可以滋润庚金提升其正官运势。但,由。于辰土同时又是戊戌偏印的禄地因此也会加剧其与母亲缘分 🐎 的矛盾
从刘 🐎 学州的八字中可以看出,其八字,身 🐵 弱偏印为忌神, early years lack maternal love, and suffer a lot. Then, clash with mother, adoptive parents passed away, and parents abandon again. Lack of family affection leads to a pessimistic view of life. In addition, from the perspective of luck, the early years of luck are not good. Lack of study luck has led to poor grades in school and lack of self-confidence. The luck of the career is also not good, often encountering setbacks and difficulties, which makes it difficult to find a good job, and it is difficult to get a foothold in the society.
综合来看,刘学州 🐡 的悲剧是由多种因素共同造成的。从,命,理,的,角,度来看其八字身 🐈 弱偏印为忌神克制正官导致其早年生活坎坷与母亲缘分薄弱,lacks maternal love, and emotionally vulnerable. This, coupled with early luck is not good, makes it difficult for him to get through the difficulties, and eventually leads to tragedy.
刘学州的悲剧给我们 🐅 敲响了警钟。家庭教育和社会福利 🐺 等, we should pay more attention to the mental health of minors, and provide timely help and guidance to those who are in need, so as to prevent similar tragedies from happening again.